понедельник, 07 октября 2024
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Подведены итоги рекламно-медийной конференции AdTribune-2022 Қаңтар оқиғасында қаза тапқан 4 жасар қызға арналған мурал пайда болды В Казахстане планируется ввести принудительный труд в качестве наказания за административные правонарушения Референдум - проверка общества на гражданскую зрелость - Токаев Екінші Республиканың негізін қалаймыз – Тоқаев Генпрокуратура обратилась к казахстанцам в преддверие референдума Бәрпібаевтың жеке ұшағына қатысты тексеріс басталды Маңғыстауда әкім орынбасары екінші рет қызметінен шеттетілді Тенге остается во власти эмоций Ресей өкілі Ердоғанның әскери операциясына қарсы екенін айтты Обновление парка сельхозтехники обсудили фермеры и машиностроители Казахстана Цены на сахар за год выросли на 61% Научно-производственный комплекс «Фитохимия» вернут в госсобственность Сколько налогов уплачено в бюджет с начала года? Новым гендиректором «Казахавтодора» стал экс-председатель комитета транспорта МИИР РК Американский генерал заявил об угрозе для США со стороны России Меркель впервые публично осудила Россию и поддержала Украину Байден призвал ужесточить контроль за оборотом оружия в США Супругу Мамая задержали после вывешивания баннера в поддержку политика в Алматы Казахстан и Южная Корея обсудили стратегическое партнерство Персональный охранник за 850 тыс тенге: Депутат прокомментировал скандальное объявление Россия и ОПЕК решили увеличить план добычи нефти Рау: Алдағы референдум – саяси ерік-жігердің айрықша белгісі Нью-Делиде Абай мүсіні орнатылды «Свобода 55»: иммерсивный аудиоспектакль про выбор, свободу и январские события

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Aliya Sultanova

Danial Akhmetov – On 18th January, was confirmed as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan during a joint session of Parliament.
Mr. Akhmetov was born in 1954. He is a graduate of the Pavlodar Industrial Institute. His specialty is in construction engineering, and he is a candidate (master’s degree) in economics. Following graduation, he worked in various construction organizations in the cities of Pavlodar and Ekibastuz. After starting his career as a foreman, he was eventually promoted to the position of head of the regional construction department. He has worked in government bodies of state management, including as akim (governor) of Pavlodar Oblast and North-Kazakhstan Oblast, as well as deputy and first deputy to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. From June 2003, Mr. Akhmetov has been Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

Karim Masimov – Will take the position of deputy to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan in the new government.
Mr. Masimov was born in 1965 in Tselinograd (now Astana). He is a graduate of the University of Friendship named for Patrice Lumumba in Moscow, of Uhan University in China (1991), and of the Kazakh State Academy of Management (1995). His specialties are in international law and economics, and he carries the degree of doctor of economics. From November 2001, he has acted in the capacity of deputy to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, and was responsible for issues relating to the economy, finance, industry, agriculture, transport and communications. As of January 2002, he became responsible for issues pertaining to the operational management of the economy, regional policy, ecology and geology. And from June 2003 to present, Mr. Masimov has been an advisor to the President of Kazakhstan.

Kasymzhomart Tokayev – Is to continue his activity as the Kazakhstani Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Tokayev was born on 17th May 1953. He is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, and of the Beijing Linguistics Institute. He is a doctor of political science, and speaks the English, French and Chinese languages. He has the diplomatic rank of plenipotentiary ambassador. After graduation, he worked on the central staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and in diplomatic missions abroad. In March 1992, he was appointed as deputy, and later as first deputy to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. In October 1994, he received the appointment of Minister of Foreign Affairs. In March 1999, he was made deputy to the Prime Minister, while remaining Minister of Foreign Affairs. From October 1999 up to January 2002, he was Prime Minister. From January 2002 till June 2003, he acted as Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since June 2003, Mr. Tokayev has held the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan.

Mukhtar Kapashevich Altynbayev – Has been reappointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Defense in the new government.
General Altynbayev was born on 10th December 1945 in the city of Karaganda. In 1966 he graduated from the Kinel-Cherkasski Aviation Educational and Training Center of DOSAAF. He began his service as an officer as a fighter pilot in the anti-aircraft defense regiment. Later on, he served as a pilot and chief pilot, and then as commander of many aviation units, including a group, a squadron, a regiment, and a fighter anti-aircraft defense regiment. In 1985, he graduated from the Military Command Academy of the Anti-aircraft Defense Forces. Following graduation, he served as deputy commander of the anti-aircraft defense division. In June 1988, he was appointed as the commander of the anti-aircraft defense division. In May 1992, he held positions as commander of the anti-aircraft defense corps and Deputy Defense Minister. In November 1993, he was appointed chief commander of the Air Force. In October 1996, he was appointed Minister of Defense, as per a decree of the President of Kazakhstan. In August 1999, he was given the position of chief commander of the anti-aircraft defense forces of Kazakhstan. In December 2001, by decree of the President he was reappointed as Minister of Defense. He holds a qualification as a military pilot-gunner. For his successes in the military and political spheres, on 21st December 1978, he was awarded the order of “Service to the Motherland in the Military Services of the USSR” 3rd degree. For exemplary military performance, as well as for courage and selflessness shown during the enhancement of the military defense of the country. Also, on 5th May 2003, he was awarded the order of “Barys” 2nd degree. General Altynbayev is a candidate of history.

Baurzhan Mukhamedzhanov – Will continue in the Role of Kazakhstani Minister of Internal Affairs.
Mr. Mukhamedzhanov was born in 1960. He is a graduate of the law department of Kazakh State University named for Kirov, and is a candidate of law. In 1996-97, he acted as the Minister of Justice. From 1997 to 2000, he was head of the State Legal Department and deputy head of the presidential administration. In 2000-02, he was a deputy to the Prime Minister. During 2003-04, he was head of the Administrative and HR department under the presidential administration, as well as being deputy head of the presidential administration. From June 2004, he was head of the State Legal Department and continued as deputy head of the presidential administration. From October 2005, Mr. Mukhamedzhanov has held the position of Minister of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan.

Kamaltin Mukhamedzhanov – Has been appointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Environmental Protection.
Mr. Mukhamedzhanov was born in September 1948 in the village of Nagumanovo within the Bolshenarymski district of East-Kazakhstan Oblast. He is a graduate of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute, and of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President. At the beginning of the 1990s, he held the position of chairman of the Temirtau City Executive Committee, chairman of the City Council, and city mayor. Later on, he was appointed as chairman of the Karaganda Territorial Committee on State Property, and deputy head of the oblast administration. From March 1997 to March 1998, he held the position of akim (mayor) of the city of Kokshetau in North-Kazakhstan Oblast. From October 1999 until present, Mr. Mukhamedzhanov has acted in the role of akim of Karaganda Oblast.

Akhmetzhan Yesimov – Will return to the position of Kazakhstani Minister of Agriculture.
Mr. Yesimov was born in 1950. He is a graduate of the Kazakh Agricultural Institute, and of the Academy of Public Sciences under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR. He is a doctor of economics. He worked as an engineer, a director of a collective farm, and in various party and Soviet bodies. He was first deputy to the Chairman of the State Agricultural Industry. He was appointed as first deputy to the Minister of Agriculture. He was head of the administration of Almaty Oblast, deputy to the Prime Minister, State Secretary, first deputy to the Prime Minister, chairman of the State Investment Committee, and head of the presidential Administration. For several years, he represented Kazakhstani interests abroad in the position of plenipotentiary ambassador. In May 2001, he was appointed as Minister of Agriculture. In May 2002, he was a deputy to the Prime Minister and continued as Minister of Agriculture. From May 2004 to present he has been Vice-Prime Minister. Mr. Yesimov replaces Askar Myrzakhmetov as Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan.

Baktykozha Izmukhambetov – Has been appointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, recently vacated by Vladimir Shkolnik.
Mr. Izmukhambetov was born in 1948. In 1971, he graduated from Ufa Oil Institute, and is a doctor of technical sciences, as well as being an academic (don, or highest level of professor). He began his career as a driller’s assistant in Atyrau Oblast. He has worked in a scientific research institute, and had an internship abroad. He has more than 30 years of experience in the petroleum industry. In 1991, he was appointed as the head of the Oil and Gas Department in the Ministry of Geology. At the end of 1992, he participated in the formation of the joint venture, KazTurkMunai, which he headed for 10 years. In March 2003, he became general director and chairman of the board of CJSC MNK KazMunaiTeniz (an offshore oil company). In January 2004, Mr. Izmukhambetov was appointed as First Vice Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.

Vladimir Shkolnik – Has been appointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Industry and Trade.
Mr. Shkolnik was born in 1949. He is a graduate of Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, and is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, as well as being a professor. He worked in the Mangishlak Energy Company, was general director of the Nuclear Energy Agency, Minister of Science and New Technologies, as well as Minister of Science. He was president of the Academy of Science of Kazakhstan, Minister of Science and Higher Education, and Minister of Energy, Industry and Trade. From 2000-02, he had been deputy to the Prime Minister, as well as Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. From January 2002, Mr. Shkolnik held onto the post of Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. Earlier, Sauat Mynbaev was Minister of Industry and Trade of Kazakhstan.

Temirkhan Dosmukhanbetov – Was appointed as Chief of Staff of the Office of the President.
Mr. Dosmukhanbetov was born in 1949 in Kostanai Oblast. He is a graduate of the Kazakh Institute of Physical Training, and the Kazakh State University named for al Farabi. He is a candidate of pedagogy. In November 1991, he was appointed as president of the state-owned international travel company, Intourist Kazakhstan. In May 1994, he became president an airline dedicated to tourism, Yassoui. In 1998, he was appointed as Minister of Youth Issues, Tourism and Sport. In 1997, he worked as director of the Tourism and Sport Department under the Ministry of Education and Culture. In November 1997, he was made chairman of the Tourism and Sport Committee under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Healthcare. In September 1998, he was appointed as Chief of Staff. In June 2003, he was given the post of akim of Astana. In March 2004, Mr. Dosmukhanbetov returned to the position of Chief of Staff.

Adilbek Djaksibekov – Has is continuing his work as head of the presidential administration.
Mr. Djaksibekov was born in 1954 in Kostanai Oblast. In 1977, he graduated from the Unionwide Institute of Cinematography. He is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of National Economics named for Plyekhanov under the Department of Industrial Production Planning. He is a candidate of economics. From January to October in 1996, he was a member of the Kazakhstani Senate, in which he was a member of the Committee on Legislation and Court Reform. From October 1996 to December 1997, as first deputy to the akim of Akmola Oblast, he managed issues on enterprise reform and transfer of the government to the city of Akmola (earlier Tselinograd, now Astana). In December 1997, he was appointed akim of the city of Akmola (on 6th May 1998 the name change to Astana officially occurred). In June 2003, he was appointed Minister of Industry and Trade. In December 2004, Mr. Djaksibekov was made head of the presidential administration.

Arman Dunayev – Was appointed chairman of the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations, as per a decree of the President of Kazakhstan.
Mr. Dunayev was born in 1966. He is a graduate of Kazakh State University, and is a candidate of economics. After graduation, he worked as a consultant at NTO Service Center, then as chief specialist, and head of the administration of the akim of South-Kazakhstan Oblast. He has had managerial positions at the company, Astana Holding, as well as at OJSC Bank TuranAlem. He was made a department director and Vice Minister at the Ministry of Finance, as well as having been Vice-Minister of Economy and Budget Planning. He was chairman of the board of JSC National Innovation Fund. He was First Vice Minister of Finance. In April 2004 until present, Mr. Dunayev has been Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan.

Nataliya Korzhova – Has been appointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Finance.
Ms. Korzhova was born in 1958 in the city of Sarkand in Taldikorgan Oblast. She is a graduate of the Almaty Institute of National Economics, and is a candidate of economics. In 1996-99, she was Minister of Labor and Social Protection. In October 1999, Ms. Korzhova was made Vice Minister of Finance.

Yerbolat Askarbekovich Dosayev – Has been appointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Healthcare.
Mr. Dosayev was born on 21st May 1970. He is a graduate of the electronics department of the Almaty Energy Institute. In 1997, he worked as deputy chairman of the board of directors in JSC Bank TuranAlem. Later on, he became chairman of the board at ATF Bank. In 1998, he became an advisor to the Prime Minister. In July 1998, he was appointed Vice Minister of Energy, Industry and Trade. In February 2000, he became Vice Minister of Finance. In May 2001, he held the position of chairman of the board of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan. In January 2002, he was appointed chairman of the Agency for Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Protection of Competition, and Support of Small Business. In 2003 to present, Mr. Dosayev has headed the Financial Authority of Kazakhstan.

Byrganym Aitimova – Is to continue as Kazakhstani Minister of Education and Science.
Ms. Aitimova was born in 1953 in West-Kazakhstan Oblast. She is a graduate of the English language department of the Uralsk Pedagogical Institute named for Pushkin, and of the law department of Kazakh State National University named for al Farabi. From 1993-96, she was Minister of Youth Issues, Tourism and Sport. In January 1996, she was elected as a member of the Senate. In October 1996, she was appointed as Kazakhstani Ambassador to Israel, and later on to Italy. In May 2004, Ms. Aitimova was given the post of deputy to the Prime Minister.

Askar Mamin – Has been appointed Kazakhstani Minister of Transport and Communications.
Mr. Mamin was born in 1965 in the city of Tselinograd. He is a graduate of the Tselinograd Construction Engineering Institute, and the Academy of National Economics under the Government of Russia. Mr. Mamin has variously held the posts of Vice Minister of Transport and Communications, chairman of the Committee on Automobile Roads under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and First Vice Minister of Industry and Trade.

Gulzhana Karagusova – Will continue working as the Kazakhstani Minister of Labor and Social Protection.
Ms. Karagusova was born in the city of Almaty. In 1972, she graduated from the economics department of the Kazakh State University named for Kirov, and is a candidate and professor of economics. From 1972-94, she worked as assistant teacher, senior teacher, dean, and professor in the Kazakh State University. In 1994, she was appointed as an advisor to the President on economic reform. In 1994-95, she was chairman of the Economic Consultants Council, as well as remaining an advisor to the President. From November 1995 until November 1996, she acted as chairman of the National Commission on Securities. From January to May of 1997, she was a professor and department head at the University of Economics and Law. From May 1997 to November 2001, she was a member of the Senate by presidential appointment, where she was also chairman of the Committee on Economics, Finance and Budget. In November 2001, Ms. Karagusova was appointed as Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Kazakhstan.

Shalbai Kulmakhanov – Will be continuing his work as Kazakhstani Minister of Emergency Situations.
Mr. Kulmakhanov was born in 1946 in the village of Kuijan in Almaty Oblast. He is a graduate of the construction engineering department of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named for Lenin, and is a candidate in economics. He began his career in 1963 as a carpenter at a collective farm. In February 1992, he was made head of Aktobe Oblast. In October 1993, he was appointed as a state advisor. From June 1994 to June 1997, was Akim of the city of Almaty. In January 1999, he was appointed as chairman of the Agency of Emergency Situations. In May 2001, he was given the position of Akim of Almaty Oblast. In May 2005, Mr. Kulmakhanov was placed as Minister of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan.

Kairat Kelimbetov – Is to continue his work as Minister of Economy and Budget Planning.
Mr. Kelimbetov was born in 1969. He is a graduate of Moscow State University, the Market Institute under the Kazakh State Academy of Management, the Academy of State Service, and Georgetown University. In 1997-98, he worked in the Agency for Strategic Planning. Later on, he became head of the Department for Socioeconomic Reforms under the presidential administration. In October 1999, he was appointed as head of the Agency for Strategic Planning. In January 2002, he was made Vice Minister of Finance. Later on, Mr. Kelimbetov received the appointment of Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of Kazakhstan.

Zagipa Baliyeva – Has been appointed Kazakhstani Minister of Justice.
Ms. Baliyeva has for the last ten years been chairman of the Central Election Committee.

Yermukhamet Yertysbayev – Was appointed as Kazakhstani Minister of Culture, Information and Sport.
Mr. Yertysbayev was born in 1956. He is a graduate of Karaganda State University. He is a candidate of history, a doctor of political sciences, and a docent. In 1998-99, he was a member of the National Council on State Policy under the President. In March 2002, Mr. Yertysbayev was appointed as an advisor to the President on political issues.

Rashid Tusupbekov – Has been given the position of Kazakhstani General Prosecutor.
Mr. Tusupbekov was appointed to this position following the mandatory end of his predecessor’s term of five years, as mandated by the constitution.
Murat Atanov – Was appointed as Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan.
Mr. Atanov passed his credentials to the Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov on 16th December 2005.

Gaziz Shegenov – Has been appointed as head of the Karaganda branch office of the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK).
Mr. Shegenov is 32 years old. He began his career as head of the Forex Department at the Karaganda branch office of the NBK. Later on, he accepted the position of deputy director of Bank Caspiskii.

Paul Brammel – Was appointed as the new British Ambassador to Kazakhstan.
Mr. Brammel was born in 1965. He has been working in the diplomatic service since 1987. In 2002, he was British Ambassador to Turkmenistan. In 2005, Mr. Brammel was appointed as British Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Earlier, James Sharp held the position of British Ambassador to Kazakhstan.

Talgat Musabayev – Has been appointed as general director of the joint Russo-Kazakhstani company, Baiterek. One of the functions of Baiterek is the implementation of a gradual transfer to the next generation of launch vehicle, which is to replace older rockets on the market. The second most important role of the company is the training of domestic specialists, in order to ensure their participation in the space industry at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
Mr. Musabayev was born on 7th January 1951 in the village of Kargaly in Djambul district of Almaty Oblast. He holds the title of “Hero of the Russian Federation”, has the qualification of a cosmonaut pilot of the Russian Federation, has been awarded as well with the title of “People’s Hero of Kazakhstan – Halyk Kaharmany”, and holds the qualification of cosmonaut pilot of Kazakhstan. He has been given honorary citizenship by many oblasts, cities and districts in Russia and Kazakhstan. He was awarded the medal of the “Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR”, has an honorary diploma from the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, has been given the Kazakhstani medals of “Otan”, “Barys” 1st degree, and “Astana”. He was given the Russian medals for “Merit for the Fatherland” 3rd degree, and for “Merit for the Fatherland” 2nd degree. Mr. Musabayev is a member of the Austrian order of the “Silver Eagle”, as well as having been awarded the NASA medal for “Space Flight”.
On 14th January 2006, Eldar Ismaelovich Akhmetov was elected by the board of directors of Eurasian Bank as a member of the board, and was appointed as interim deputy chairman of the board of the bank, pending approval from the Financial Supervisory Agency (FSA). The person Mr. Akhmetov replaces, Mr. Kenzhekhanov, was removed by the board from his position on the same day.

The board of directors of JSC Neftebank, based in the city of Aktau, took a decision to remove the interim chairman of the board, Berdygali Sranuly, prior to the end of his term, and have demoted to the position of deputy chairman. Askar Shakhmuratovich Boyaubayev was elected in his stead to the interim position.

Olzhas Umurzakovich Asylbekov was approved as vice president of JSC Kazkommerts Invest by the qualification commission of the FSA.

JSC Development Bank of Kazakhstan (DBK) elected a new board of directors, which is to be headed by E.A. Urtembayev.

James Martin Owen – On 14th January 2005, was appointed chief financial director of TNK-BP. He began performing his duties as of mid-January 2006. Mr. Owen replaces Kent Potter, who retired from his position at TNK BP in August 2005. Mr. Owen has been working in the Oil and Gas industry for more than 30 years, most of which he held various managerial positions with Chevron.

On 12th December 2005, Timur Kulibayev, former first deputy to the president of the state-owned oil and gas company, KazMunayGas (KMG), became the head of KazEnergy, an association representing the interests of energy companies, including oil and gas companies. KazMunayGas and its subsidiaries led the founding of this public organization. The central aims of the association are the creation of a dialogue between the companies operating in this sector and the authorities, and participation in the legislative process in relation to the interest of those working on the energy market. As is known, at the end of October 2005 Mr. Kulibayev resigned from his position at KMG, which he had occupied since February 2002.

Louis Afflek was appointed as president and general assets manager of BG Kazakhstan. BG is a joint operator in the Karachaganak gas condensate field (32.5%) and a shareholder in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (2%).

Dmitry Kromskoi was appointed as general director of the Kazakhstani mobile communications operator Kar-Tel. He replaces Constantine Markov, who had been general director of the company since Russian mobile operator, VimpelCom purchased the operation. Until present, Mr. Kromskoi held the position of director of the central region of JSC VimpelCom.

JSC Temirleasing (Kazakhstan) released information on the election of a new board of directors, which will include S.A. Konkushev as chairman. He is a managing director at Temirbank, and is already a member of the board at the bank itself. A.A. Kabirov also a member of the board at Temirbank, as well as being a managing director, has also been elected to the board of Temirleasing. The senior audit of Ernst and Young, Mr. Tursunkulov, has as well been elected as a member of the board, and as an independent director.

Kenzhegali Kenzhebayev, rector of the Aktobe State University named for Kudaibergen Zhubanov, has been dismissed from his position. Murat Nurguzhin, former head of the Department for State Inspections and Information Technology under the Ministry of Education and Science, has temporarily been appointed as rector of Aktobe State University. Mr. Nurguzhin functioned as the first rector at Karaganda State Technical University two years ago.

Arno Pipers has been appointed as head coach of the Kazakhstani national football team and of the Astana city football team, Zhenis. The Football League of Kazakhstan concluded a two-year contract with the Dutch coach, who earlier led the Estonian football team. Under the supervision of Mr. Pipers, our football team will be participating in the elimination rounds for the 2008 European Championship.

On 23rd December, James Young Hardy, first vice president of JSC Karazhanbasmunai, died in an airplane crash near Baku, Azerbaijan. The 57-year-old was a citizen of Great Britain. He had worked for three years at Karazhanbasmunai, and earlier worked many years for British Petroleum (BP).

According to information from various news agencies, on 14th January Galymzhan Zhakiyanov, a former state official, was released from prison. On 14th December 2005, an Ekibastuz city court made a decision on granting parole to Mr. Zhakiyanov, who was serving his term in a prison colony located at the village of Shiderty (AP-162/10) for abuse of power.

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