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The rating of companies with the best reputations

 Asel Satpayeva, Zarina Pahirdinova

The magazine “Exclusive” gives the results of already traditional, annual rating of the reputations of companies working in Kazakhstan. We are bringing the totals of last year, which brought a lot of surprises.

Asel Satpayeva, Zarina Pahirdinova The magazine “Exclusive” gives the results of already traditional, annual rating of the reputations of companies working in Kazakhstan. We are bringing the totals of last year, which brought a lot of surprises. The only thing is known about what the reputation of company is and it is-extremely important constituent (component) of any business. It is hard to find the company that wishes to hold on the market and that is not interested in the questions of its own reputation. Most of the people think that the reputation is not only a good attitude to the firm from the side of partners and customers, but also its assets. The difficulty lies not only in the process of creating favorable social opinion about the quality and the merits of company, but also in holding this delicate and changeable fund. In a given research we offered the participants of survey to evaluate the company according to several factors/criteria, which in our point of view affect the evaluation of reputation. These criteria were revealed during the interview with experts in previous researches. They (criteria) are eight in number. This year taking into account the interest of our permanent readers, who keep up with the changes in our ratings, we decided to give more detailed information about the results received by us, namely the average scores of each of the company according to eight factors. 317 respondents were surveyed by us within the 2 months. They were the representatives of different fields of business, top-managers, the Heads of companies, and also the managers of medium business. They were offered to evaluate the reputation of business corporations according to the subject of confidence, respect and positive perception, the major components of reputation of any company. At the same time the financial figures weren’t considered. We received not more than 5 questionnaires in order to get the objective results from one company. The respondents scored each surveyed company according to the scale from 1 to 5 according to criteria which were mentioned above. 410 commercial organizations were surveyed within the bounds of project. As a result we made a list of 50 companies that took more number of references by our respondents. In previous years three leaders have always been made up from the representatives of financial sphere, and only according to the totals of 2006 the top-three were broken by the company representing food industry. This year the financial institutes have returned to their places and in a “team set-off” they are in the first place according to the references among the spheres of activity, namely 89%. We would like to mention that some companies have already become the permanent participants of our rating. Every year, they have been taking the leading positions within the 5 years. We can mention “Kazkommertsbank” among them, which has been steadily holding the first place already the fourth year without a break (in the rating of 2007 -58% of all the votes). The second place is taken by “Bank TuranAlem” with a little gap according to the number of references, which has also been in the three of companies with the best reputation. It took 51% of votes, (last year-40%). The third place is occupied by another financial giant and “novice” in the leading three, this is Halyk Bank, which took about 45% of votes. The repeated participants of research are also in the first ten of rating. These are the following companies: Astana Motors, “Kazakhtelekom” and “Cartel” with brands Beeline and K-mobile, which has beaten its main rival the company GSM Kazakhstan (K-cell, Active) with a little break this year. The novices appeared in our rating too. Such companies as Bazis-A, KazMunaiGaz and airline “Air Astana” entered the first ten, last year they were in a list of top 50 but couldn’t reach the top ten. As in our previous surveys, we asked experts to indicate namely what channels served as a source of information about the company. The opinion of almost all the respondents was concluded from their personal experience of contact (the 85% replied so). 70% named mass media as their source of information. 50% named the comments of their customers and partners, and only 12,5% - other. Starting from the results of survey, it is interesting to note the fact that some important fields of business were not named among the companies with the best reputation. The tourism agencies, the enterprises of light industry, power engineering haven’t entered the list though in previous years the representatives of these spheres were not only mentioned by the respondents but also took the honorable places in top - 50. Of course, the existing situation in the building sector couldn’t stop affecting the positions of the biggest building companies. The number of references has rapidly fallen compared to the previous year. Some of them has not only lost their positions, but hasn’t entered the general list at all. At the same time, the number of references to the biggest bank structures hasn’t changed, which was also affected by the financial crisis. So the names of winners are announced. We congratulate our leaders, the permanent participants, that show the stable results from year to year, and also the “Novices”, that entered the list of 50 of companies of Kazakhstan having the best reputation. How much the attitude of consumers and the market players will change to these companies next year and who will become the best according to the totals of 2008 we will know in a year. Stay with reputation!

The only thing is known about what the reputation of company is and it is-extremely important constituent (component) of any business. It is hard to find the company that wishes to hold on the market and that is not interested in the questions of its own reputation. Most of the people think that the reputation is not only a good attitude to the firm from the side of partners and customers, but also its assets. The difficulty lies not only in the process of creating favorable social opinion about the quality and the merits of company, but also in holding this delicate and changeable fund.
In a given research we offered the participants of survey to evaluate the company according to several factors/criteria, which in our point of view affect the evaluation of reputation. These criteria were revealed during the interview with experts in previous researches. They (criteria) are eight in number. This year taking into account the interest of our permanent readers, who keep up with the changes in our ratings, we decided to give more detailed information about the results received by us, namely the average scores of each of the company according to eight factors.
317 respondents were surveyed by us within the 2 months. They were the representatives of different fields of business, top-managers, the Heads of companies, and also the managers of medium business. They were offered to evaluate the reputation of business corporations according to the subject of confidence, respect and positive perception, the major components of reputation of any company. At the same time the financial figures weren’t considered. We received not more than 5 questionnaires in order to get the objective results from one company.
The respondents scored each surveyed company according to the scale from 1 to 5 according to criteria which were mentioned above.
410 commercial organizations were surveyed within the bounds of project. As a result we made a list of 50 companies that took more number of references by our respondents.
In previous years three leaders have always been made up from the representatives of financial sphere, and only according to the totals of 2006 the top-three were broken by the company representing food industry. This year the financial institutes have returned to their places and in a “team set-off” they are in the first place according to the references among the spheres of activity, namely 89%.
We would like to mention that some companies have already become the permanent participants of our rating. Every year, they have been taking the leading positions within the 5 years. We can mention “Kazkommertsbank” among them, which has been steadily holding the first place already the fourth year without a break (in the rating of 2007 -58% of all the votes). The second place is taken by “Bank TuranAlem” with a little gap according to the number of references, which has also been in the three of companies with the best reputation. It took 51% of votes, (last year-40%). The third place is occupied by another financial giant and “novice” in the leading three, this is Halyk Bank, which took about 45% of votes.
The repeated participants of research are also in the first ten of rating. These are the following companies: Astana Motors, “Kazakhtelekom” and “Cartel” with brands Beeline and K-mobile, which has beaten its main rival the company GSM Kazakhstan (K-cell, Active) with a little break this year. The novices appeared in our rating too. Such companies as Bazis-A, KazMunaiGaz and airline “Air Astana” entered the first ten, last year they were in a list of top 50 but couldn’t reach the top ten.
As in our previous surveys, we asked experts to indicate namely what channels served as a source of information about the company. The opinion of almost all the respondents was concluded from their personal experience of contact (the 85% replied so). 70% named mass media as their source of information. 50% named the comments of their customers and partners, and only 12,5% - other.
Starting from the results of survey, it is interesting to note the fact that some important fields of business were not named among the companies with the best reputation. The tourism agencies, the enterprises of light industry, power engineering haven’t entered the list though in previous years the representatives of these spheres were not only mentioned by the respondents but also took the honorable places in top - 50.
Of course, the existing situation in the building sector couldn’t stop affecting the positions of the biggest building companies. The number of references has rapidly fallen compared to the previous year. Some of them has not only lost their positions, but hasn’t entered the general list at all. At the same time, the number of references to the biggest bank structures hasn’t changed, which was also affected by the financial crisis.
So the names of winners are announced. We congratulate our leaders, the permanent participants, that show the stable results from year to year, and also the “Novices”, that entered the list of 50 of companies of Kazakhstan having the best reputation. How much the attitude of consumers and the market players will change to these companies next year and who will become the best according to the totals of 2008 we will know in a year. Stay with reputation!

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