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Absolute cynicism

Abu Aliyev

August tragic events that took place in Caucasus could be considered as an important historical event which divided everything before and after. If certain experts considered that squabbles between Washington and Moscow is reanimation of cold war confrontation between USA and USSR, others study parallels between mythical combinations of numbers between start of Georgian – South Ossetia conflict “888” (August 8, 2008) and another ominous date “9/11” (number for emergency calls). But if everything is more or less clear with Caucasian conflict however there are still many questions to be answered regarding terrorist attacks in September 11, 2001.

Prolonged Explosion
Seven years have passed since major US cities have been attacked with serious of terrorist acts. It looks like that within this period humanity got used to certain actions of extremists, radical groups, etc. However, such daring, unexampled crime against humanity got out of any imaginary frames. While watching live broadcast how passenger airplanes have been crashing into symbol of American greatness – twin - towers in New York many people realized how vulnerable they are. This was a great shock. Myth of inaccessibility to # 1 super power faded, neither strongest protective systems nor Atlantic and Pacific Oceans saved US from catastrophe. Then there was a start of skewness “war against terrorism” which splashed out great – power ambitious of the White House. While sharing an empathy with United States and caring for fate of the world and maybe because of inclination before leader’s righteous anger most capitals of the country had to join their resources in fight against unknown powers.       
Searching for the guilty once was not a problem. Already after 72 hours of twin towers collapse “Al Qaeda” headed by Osama Ben Laden was accused of attacking World Trade Centers. These statements, even though without any proof, were given in categorical manner. Countries of Near and Middle East were becoming in the epicenter of new aggression. Some called this upcoming war as new “Crusade”, others righteous punishment for dictators’ regime that act as supporters of terrorism, and some even saw it as start of redistribution in spheres of influence in habitat of Green Crescent.    
It is obvious that world will never be the same again. 
Ages ago humanitarians sincerely believed that in third millennium people will leave in peace and harmony but unfortunately such expectations were just utopia. On the example of dark Middle Ages, new era started with clash of Christian West and Muslim East, it is all because you cannot forget about complicated relation throughout the history between two religious poles. It is just happening so that seeds of distrust and hate quite often overcome elements of good neighborhood. But in historical chronicle we can underline twentieth century which included colonial dictatorship, wars, and politics of “double standards” and wounding of national sovereignty. Not being able to go for an open war protest East turned out into terror, that is why when military forces of NATO countries started to clash despotic regimes in Muslim world it was very cruel but probably just act. Simultaneously there was an effect of existence of third power, backstage director who clashed two worlds. 9/11 events was something like a detonator for all these conflicts.   

There are more questions than answers
For that time there was nothing known about motives and organizers of September explosions and an interesting fact nobody has more or less detailed information about terrorist act even today. “In newest history there are not any other events that had such catastrophic significance and yet covered with secrets”. Moreover, official version of most scandalous offences was not even accepted by US critics; survey conducted in 2007 by The New York Times underlined that three out of four Americans suspect that White House covers the truth.  
Short official version of the attack: On September 11, 2001 militants of “Al Qaeda” hijacked four airplanes which belonged to United Airlines and American Airlines and attacked heart of the western world. Two airplanes crashed into twin – towers, third into main building of ministry of defense – Pentagon and last airplane, after its passengers started to resist hijackers, crashed in uninhabited part of Pennsylvania State, 150 miles north from capital of US. As the result of these attacks more than three thousand citizens died.
However, analysis of “chronological table” of that day which are well presented in mass media and comparing it with real facts gives us totally different picture, as a result with have several issues:
First: Does not this attack seem as a copy of “Northwood” operation? When it was planned to make terrorist attack in US by the government and blame communistic Cuba so there will be a ground for attacking Cuba and removing Fidel Castro (of course, that time US President John Kennedy denied existence of such operation). In other words could it be that in early September morning 2001 government made criminal offence against its citizens in order to fool the entire world and have a ground for starting a war against “Al Qaeda”, Afghanistan and Iraq? Somebody made an analogous with Pearl Harbor, considering conspiracy theory, which states that President Franklin Roosevelt allowed Japanese to attack American fleet in 1941 in order for US get involved in Second World War. 
As for collapse of twin – towers official version states that they fell because steel supporters melted because of the burned fuel from airplanes. This “spell” was stubbornly used in White House briefings and investigations of 9/11 events, plus in dosed informational “leaks” from special agencies. All this brings us to an idea that they might have been blown up intentionally. In TV shots it is perfectly seen that skyscrapers start collapsing soon after loud plops, looks like those plots were sound of exploded detonators.       
Questions are arising one after another. Was not collapse of twin – towers caused by correct location of explosives? How could inexperienced pilots direct large airplanes exactly to World Trade Centers and Pentagon? Moreover who earned millions of dollars on shares of United Airlines and American Airlines, which owed those four airplanes that crashed in September 11? It is a fact that somebody gambled a large sum of money on shares of these air companies, and only on those two. Three days before the catastrophe sale of these companies’ shares increase by 1200%. 
Another puzzle that has to be solved is why none of hijacked airplanes was intercepted by fighters because there certainly was enough time for it. This is standard procedure for US air forces in case of emergency situations, especially when there is a possibility of hijacked airplane. Nine months before 9/11 this procedure was used for 67 times and never failed. 
Here is outstanding fact: Flight # 11 of American Airlines company flue from Boston in 07:59 am, after 15 minutes in 8:14 am radio communication between pilot and dispatch disappeared, which is the signal that airplane could have been hijacked. According to skeptics this flight had to be immediately intercepted by fighters from Mackguayer military base in New Jersey. They could have reached World Trade Centers within three minutes. However, what is surprising that F-15 fighters have been called from Keipe Code airbase located 180 miles away. Moreover, they have been flying very slowly only 700 miles per hour (near 1100 km per hour) while their maximum speed is 1850 miles per hour (near 2960 km per hour) and that is why they could not prevent second attack done into southern tower, fighter were late for 11 minutes.   

Disappearance of flight №77
Unbelievable but most protected building on the planet – Pentagon could not have been prevented from airplane attack. Flight # 77 crashed into US ministry of defense on 09:38 am. However, fighters from Andrus air force base located just ten miles away (16 km) from Washington were not raised by alarm. Instead fighters have been called from air force base named Lengly located in Virginia 100 miles (160 km) away. When they arrived Pentagon was already burning.
One of the main versions is that this airplane has never crashed into the building. First of all, terrorist hijacker Hani Hanjur was learning basic flying skills so slowly that his instructors reported that his is bad student for five times. Then we should ask how he could make such difficult maneuver exactly attacking the building. Interesting to note that not a single detail of the airplane was found near the building, but there was an explanation to it, fire was so severe that it totally burned airplane but if it is true then how was it possible to identify 184 out of 189 corps found in building of ministry of defense. Another fact worth mentioning is that the only seen destruction of Pentagon is hole not larger than 5 meters in diameter on external wall. However length of Boeing 757 is 52 meters, height 15 meters, wings 40 meters and weight of this machine is 100 tons. So it is considered that this giant airplane disappeared in such a small whole without any broken details outside? Why there are not any broker details of wings, vertical stabilizer and engines that had to ram the building. If you could imagine just size of the engines, so if 6 tons of steel and titanium would hit Pentagon on speed of 530 miles per hour they wound break through the wall and leave two big holes. But the only destruction on external wall is only this small hole. What is about tale of the plane with height of 15 meters, you think it politely bended just before hitting the building?       
At first glance most crazy but probably true guess is that Pentagon was hit by military rocket. Moreover later witnesses would underline how they seen small flying object hitting Pentagon’s wall. Object followed by strident sound which does not look like roar of giant passenger airplane. So nobody knows what finally happened to flight # 77 after radio connection was lost in Ohio if it did not hit Pentagon.

Knowledge is power, and if you have power there is no need for brain
There is another interesting episode: it is exactly known that vice – president Richard Cheney and Condoleezza Rice, counselor on National Security were in White House bunker for the moment of attacks. They probably knew that airplanes are flying towards Washington, many were sure that main goal is the White House, not Pentagon. However Cheney and Rice were not evacuated from Presidential Residence. Maybe some top governmental officials knew that they are at safe place and attack would go to Pentagon. 
However most surprising was behavior of first person in USA, exactly when largest terrorist act took place George Bush Junior was hundred miles away from Washington in Florida where he was planning to read a book for kids. According to existing documents President did not strong react on the heard news that one of the airplanes crashed into WTC. Why not? To the principal of the school he said that “Airplane crashed into one of the WTC buildings but we will continue reading”. Then President, Commander-in-Chief of American army continued reading faire tale to seven years old kids. Few minutes later his advisor interrupted the President whispering that another airplane crashed into second building of WTC yet according to existing pictures his reaction was passive, without any emotions.
Only later when he returned to American capital President was totally different, next to gospel preacher, cardinal, rabbi and imam he announced: “Our responsibility before the history is understood: we have to reply to these intricate, artful, and cruel attacks in order to kill evil in the world”.  

Brain Wash offs
Separate important role should be given to role of western mass media. With the background of falling skyscrapers in New York as TV channels as CNN, Sky News, BBC broadcasted dancing groups of Arabs. This way regular TV watcher considered them as enemies which are celebrating their victory. Only one year later already when Afghanistan and Iraq was sunk in blood truth was found out that those TV moments was just jugging, regular celebrations were presented as “Arab street reactions” on the tragedy that took place across Atlantic. There was a true provocation similar to the one took place in 1999 which was a base for NATO to attack Serbia. At that time western TV channels broadcasted horrifying pictures. Military prisoner from Albania almost starved to death by Serbian securities was shown behind the bars in awful conditions. Actually when all the facts have been analyzed fraudulent was found, there were bars set up for that reason, prisoner was just a person sick with dystrophy and he did even understand what was happening. But it already was too late, Serbia already sunk in blood and their President hated by Americans was killed.        
Similar scenario was used in first days after explosion when Washington blamed “Al Qaeda” for terrorist attacks. Soon campaign against Afghanistan started including brutal behavior against Muslim believers and certain Arabic capitals. Leading western banks blocked Arabian accounts.      
First of all there are several facts that require more detailed analyses. “Al Qaeda” never had enough of financial, technical and organization resources to coordinate such grandeurs well planned terrorist attack. Moreover there are certain problems with the people that have been blamed in organization of these attacks because later many again western media questioned how it could be that most of them had good alibi. Some have been seen by many while they were celebrating in restaurants; somebody was at his work hundred kilometers away from New York. Moreover some “terrorists” that were blamed to be guilty were already dead.

Who is guilty?
Coming to the discussion who is guilty and main organizers of 9/11 terrorist attacks we should return to consideration who could gain from it? It is obvious that there was not any gain for Muslims and Arabs. Let’s say that collapse of twin – towers in New York started new war between West and Muslim world.
Another moment is that US economical indicators for August 2001 were just catastrophic but they were announced only after destruction of twin – towers in Manhattan. Whatever it is explosions on September 11 gave Bush’s administration chance to change the situation, moving from liberal control of economy to strict centralized management. Using was in Afghanistan as an excuse US troops constructed many nets in Central Asia which is crossover of interests for US, Russia and China. Later it acquired Iraq ensuring long stay in largest oil reservoir – Persian Gulf. Iran most likely to be next and other candidates that will receive imported democracy. America with their politics in Near East after 9/11 terrorist attacks was acting as an angry elephant crashing everything on its way. But sometimes it was seen that movements of this monster were manipulated by hiding driver. In addition killing sword without depending on the reason for killing was going across only such regimes which conduct anti Israel politics.
Of course if all this is true then what could we expect from the government that killed its own 3000 citizens hunting for imaginary advantages, from cynicism brought to absolute values, when goal worth any sacrifices. 
Of course everything above are only guesses. Truth is still unknown and probably we will never new true authors of 9/11 attacks, but most scary is that they might repeat ALL THIS.

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