вторник, 08 октября 2024
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Подведены итоги рекламно-медийной конференции AdTribune-2022 Қаңтар оқиғасында қаза тапқан 4 жасар қызға арналған мурал пайда болды В Казахстане планируется ввести принудительный труд в качестве наказания за административные правонарушения Референдум - проверка общества на гражданскую зрелость - Токаев Екінші Республиканың негізін қалаймыз – Тоқаев Генпрокуратура обратилась к казахстанцам в преддверие референдума Бәрпібаевтың жеке ұшағына қатысты тексеріс басталды Маңғыстауда әкім орынбасары екінші рет қызметінен шеттетілді Тенге остается во власти эмоций Ресей өкілі Ердоғанның әскери операциясына қарсы екенін айтты Обновление парка сельхозтехники обсудили фермеры и машиностроители Казахстана Цены на сахар за год выросли на 61% Научно-производственный комплекс «Фитохимия» вернут в госсобственность Сколько налогов уплачено в бюджет с начала года? Новым гендиректором «Казахавтодора» стал экс-председатель комитета транспорта МИИР РК Американский генерал заявил об угрозе для США со стороны России Меркель впервые публично осудила Россию и поддержала Украину Байден призвал ужесточить контроль за оборотом оружия в США Супругу Мамая задержали после вывешивания баннера в поддержку политика в Алматы Казахстан и Южная Корея обсудили стратегическое партнерство Персональный охранник за 850 тыс тенге: Депутат прокомментировал скандальное объявление Россия и ОПЕК решили увеличить план добычи нефти Рау: Алдағы референдум – саяси ерік-жігердің айрықша белгісі Нью-Делиде Абай мүсіні орнатылды «Свобода 55»: иммерсивный аудиоспектакль про выбор, свободу и январские события

New appointments

Aliya Sultanova

Askar Yelemesov and Alikhan Smailov have been appointed as vice-ministers in the RK Ministry of Finance of the RK. Earlier, Askar Yelemesov worked as deputy chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK), while Alikhan Smailov was chairman of board of directors of the State Insurance Corporation for Insurance Export Credits and Investments JSC.
Yelemesov, Askar Raushanuly – Born 1968 in Moscow. Kazakh. Has good knowledge of English. Graduated Moscow State University in 1990, with specialty as a teacher of political economics. 1990-92 worked in RO Kazakhintorg, and in the representative office of Korus International Inc. Ltd. 1992-94 continued his studies at Washington University in Saint Louis (USA), receiving MBA degree. From September 1994 worked in Kazkommertsbank. 1996-97 was deputy chairman of the board of directors at Bank Caspiskii. From August 1997 was deputy chairman of the board of directors at Bank TuranAlem (BTA). 1997-98 was deputy chairman of the board of directors at Halyk Bank (HSBK). From August 1998 was vice president of SB Securities Kazakhstan, and later president from December 1999. From February 2004 to present has been deputy chairman of the NBK.

Smailov, Alikhan Askhanovich – Born 1972. Graduated the Applied Mathematics Department of Kazakh State University and KIMEP (Master’s degree). Held positions of Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the National Statistics Agency (NSA), and worked in the Presidential Administration of the RK.

At the beginning of February, the following Vice-Ministers of Finance were dismissed: Askar Amrin, Aidar Arifkhanov, Azamat Oinarov and Gani Uzbekov, as well as the chairman of the State Property and Privatization Committee (SPPC), Maksutbek Rakhanov, the chairman of the Tax Control Committee (TCC), Marlen Iskakov, the chairman of the Customs Control Committee (CCC), Berdybek Saparbaev, the chairman of the Financial Control and State Purchases Committee (FCSPC), Abdukalyk Nalibaev, and the chairman of the Treasury Committee (TC), Valentina Satkalieva.

Shazhenova, Dina – Has been appointed chairman of the Treasury Committee (TC) under the Ministry of Finance of the RK. Earlier Ms. Shazhenova headed the Budget Processing and Functional Analysis Methodology Department (BPFAM) under the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of the RK.
Sultangazin, Anuarbek – Will head the Financial Control and State Purchases Committee (FCSPC) under the Ministry of Finance of the RK. Born 1956. Graduated Karaganda State University, specializing in economics, with doctorate in economic sciences. Worked as deputy Head of the city Administration, deputy akim (head of local or regional administration), and head of the Regional Financial Department in the Karaganda oblast administration, department director in the Ministry of Finance of the RK and State Service Agency (SSA) of the RK. Had been deputy chairman for competition protection and small business support of the Natural Monopolies Regulation Agency (NMRA).

Utepov, Eduard – Was appointed chairman of State Property and Privatization Committee (SPPC) under the Ministry of Finance of the RK. Earlier he worked as first deputy chairman of this committee.
Shakirov, Askar Orazalievich – Was appointed chairman of the Customs Control Committee (CCC) under the Ministry of Finance of the RK. Born 1956. Graduated the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, Orientalist, and candidate of judicial sciences. February-July 1998 worked as Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RK. 1998-2004 was plenipotentiary Ambassador of the RK to India. From August 2004 he worked as Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RK.

Saparbaev, Berdybek – has again taken up the position of deputy head of the chancellery of the Prime Minister’s office. Born 1953. Graduated the Almaty Institute of National Economy, economist, with doctorate in economic sciences. March-September 1995 was head of Cabinet of Ministers’ staff. 1995-2002 was akim of Kzylorda and South-Kazakhstan oblasts. 2002-04 was chairman of the Customs Control Agency (CCA) of the RK. From November 2004 was chairman of the CCC and Vice-Minister of Finance of the RK.

Rakhmetov, Nurlan – Has been appointed as chairman of the Tax Control Committee (TCC) under the Ministry of Finance of the RK. Born 24th September 1965 in West-Kazakhstan oblast. Graduated Moscow State University, candidate of Physical and mathematical sciences. From 1996 was financial director of Butya AOZT. From April 1998 was deputy general director of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy RSC. From October 1998 to August 2002 was director of the State Revenue Accounting and Analysis Department (SRAAD) and Vice-Minister of State Revenue of the RK. In September 2002 appointed as Vice-Minister of Finance. 2003-04 worked as deputy general director of KazTransGas CJSC and Intergaz Central Asia CJSC. From September 2004 was managing director on economic and financial issues of NC KazMunayGas JSC.

Tuimebaev, Zhanseit Kanseituly - Has been appointed as plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation. Graduated Kazakh State University, philologist, and is a candidate of Philological sciences. 1993-99 worked in diplomatic service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey.

Kusherbaev, Krymbek – The previous Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation has been appointed this last week as akim of Mangistau oblast. Born 1955. Graduated from Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, with specialty as construction engineer, and has his doctorate. Headed ministries of education, culture, health care, sport and science. Worked in the staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of RK, and as deputy director of staff of the government of the RK. Has been Press Secretary and director of the Presidential Press Service (PPS) of the RK. 2000-03 was akim of West-Kazakhstan oblast. From 2003 was plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation. From May 2004 was plenipotentiary Ambassador to Armenia and Finland.
Samakova, Aitkul – Was appointed advisor to the President of the RK, as well as chair of the National Commission on Family Issues and Gender Policy (NCFIGP) under the President of the RK.

Baibek, Baurzhan – Has been appointed as the Chief of Protocol of the President of the RK.

Mukhtar Kul-Mukhamed and Erbol Orynbaev were appointed as deputy chairmen of the Presidential Administration of the RK.

Kul-Mukhamed, Mukhtar Abraruly – Born 1960 in the town of Chuguchak in the People’s Republic of China. Graduated Kazakh State University, PhD in Law sciences, and as a professor. 1983-1992 worked as senior scientific editor, head of editorial office, and deputy editor-in-chief of the Kazakh Encyclopedia. 1992-99 headed Atamura Corporation. 1999-2001 was a member of the Senate, secretary of the Legislative and Legal Reform Committee, chairman of the Committee on Social and Cultural Development in the Senate of the RK. 2001-04 was Minister of Culture, Information and Public Accord. September 2003 to March 2004 was Advisor to the President. April to December 2004 was Press Secretary of the President of the RK. From December 2004 had been advisor and Press Secretary to the President of the RK.

Orynbaev, Erbol Turmakhanovich – Born 29th June 1971. Graduated the law department of Moscow State University, and has Master’s degree in international economic development (Duke University, North Carolina, USA). 1996-2000 held managerial positions in the akimat (local or regional legislative bodies) of South-Kazakhstan oblast, Agency on Strategic Planning and Reforms (ASPR), presidential administration, State Service Agency (SSA). In 2001, worked as consultant to the World Bank in Washington. In 2002 appointed as Vice-Minister of Economy and Budget Planning. In 2003 was chairman of the board of the Marketing and Analytical Research Center (MARC). From April 2004 worked in the presidential administration.

Kuyanov, Sergei – Has been appointed as Press Secretary of the Prime Minister. Since 2000 has worked as a correspondent on Khabar TV channel, and over last five months has been executive producer of the news service.

Mynbaev, Sauat – Has been appointed acting chairman of the National Samruk Holdings Company. Graduated of Moscow State University, an economist and cyberneticist, and candidate of economic sciences. From June 2003 worked as Vice Prime Minister, and from December 2004 Minister of Industry and Trade.

Kulekeev, Zhaksybek – Was appointed as first Vice-President of NC KazMunayGas JSC.

Zholdasbekov, Myrzatai – Has been appointed director of the Presidential Cultural Center. Is an academic, ex-rector of Eurasian National University (ENU) named for L.N. Gumilyev, and previously supervised the Eurasia Humanitarian Research Center under ENU.

Nigmatulin, Nurlan – Was appointed akim of Karaganda oblast. Replaced Kamaltin Mukhamedzhanov in the position, who was named Minister of Environmental Protection of the RK. Before this appointment, Mr. Nigmatulin was first deputy to the chairman of the presidential administration of the RK. Born in 1962 in the city of Karaganda. Graduated Karaganda Polytechnic Institute with doctorate in polytechnic sciences. After graduation worked as engineer, and as a manager at PO Karagandaoblgas. 1985-90 was first secretary of the Leninist Young Communist League (LKSM – Komsomol) of Kazakhstan, deputy director of Komsomol Organizations Department under the Central Committee of the LKSM of Kazakhstan, as well as secretary and then first secretary of the Karaganda oblast committee of the LKSM Kazakhstan. 1990-93 was chairman of the Kazakhstani Youth Organizations Committee. 1993-95 was president of Kazakh-American Tenkri JSC. 1995-99 was the state inspector, deputy director of the Organizational and Controlling Department in the presidential administration. 1999-2002 was deputy akim of the city of Astana. 2002-04 was Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications. From June 2004 had been deputy director of the presidential administration. Awarded the “Kurmet” medal, and two others.

Kanaev, Serikzhan – Has been appointed deputy akim of Karaganda oblast on internal policy and social sphere issues. Born in Karaganda. Graduated Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the LKSM, Karaganda State University, Academy of Public Sciences under the Central Committee of the LKSM, and is a candidate of philosophical sciences, a doctor in political science, and a professor. 1994-99 worked as head of the Karaganda oblast Employment Center, Oblast Labor and Employment Department. Then was department director in the Ministry of Health Care, Education and Sport, deputy director and director of the Administrative Department, and director of staff in the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. Worked as chief inspector of the Social and Political Department in the presidential administration. From July 2005 has been director of the Central Staff of the Otan Republican Party.

Kamaliev, Berik – Was appointed deputy Akim of Karaganda Oblast on agricultural issues, entrepreneurship, environmental protection and land issues. He is 45 years old, and was born in the village of Egindybulak in Karaganda oblast. Graduated Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, Karaganda State University, the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, and is a construction engineer, economist and manager. In 1993 was appointed as deputy chairman of the state enterprise Kazagropromtekhnika. From 2001, he has been in the state service, including head of the Karaganda oblast Road Department. 2004-205 was advisor to the Prime Minister of the RK. From June 2005 was chairman of the Transportation Infrastructure Development Committee (TIDC) under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RK.

Shalabekov, Zhaksylyk – Has been appointed as deputy akim of the city of Karaganda, and is responsible for communal utilities development in the city. Worked as director of the City Planning and Architecture Department. Earlier worked as akim of Kazybek Bi district.

Palymbetov, Bolat – Who was previously akim of Mangistau oblast, will now be responsible for economic development issues in Mangistau oblast, according to the President of the RK.
Kurbatov, Vladimir – As per the order of the chairman of the Agency for the Fight against Economic and Corruption Crimes (AFECC – financial police) has been appointed as department director in the city of Almaty. Earlier, major general Kurbatov was the Vice-Minister of Internal Affairs for more than two years. Mr. Kurbatov replaces Bolatbek Bulgakbaev in this position. Mr. Bulgakbaev’s future fate is still unknown. But as per unofficial information, being one of the founders of the financial police of the country, he might continue working in West Kazakhstan oblast, where he may head a local department. 

Tasybaev, Manas – Was appointed deputy akim of Atyrau oblast. From April 2002 he was akim of the city of Atyrau. Now Bergei Ryskaliev has been appointed the new akim of that city.
Nokin, Serik – Has been appointed akim of Aktobe city. Born 1959 in the city of Aktubinsk. Graduated Saratov High Military Engineering College in chemical protection, and Kazakh Economic University named for T. Ryskulov. In 1982 worked as site master at Aktubinsk Chrome Compounds Plant JSC, and then as shop director, deputy director on commercial issues, chairman of the board, and as president. In 1998 was appointed as president of Zhyluenergiya JSC, in Aktobe. From April 2002 was deputy akim of Atyrau oblast. Abai Sadykov who had worked as Akim of Aktobe for ten months prior, as per official information, “has been moved to another position.”

Sultanov, Bakhyt – According to Kazakhstan Today, will be appointed as chairman of the National Statistics Agency (NSA) of the RK. Before this appointment he held the position of Vice-Minister of Economy and Budget Planning.

Azat Bekturov was appointed as Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications of RK. Before this appointment Mr. Bekturov worked as Vice-President of JSC “Air Astana”. Earlier he worked in CJSC “KazTransGas”.

Marat Kusainov and Bolat Palymbetov were appointed as new vice-ministers in the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning.

Kusainov, Marat Absemetovich – Born 1965. Graduated Almaty Institute of National Economy, the National Higher School of State Governance under the President of the RK, and is an economist. 2000-01 was deputy director and then director of the Strategic Planning Department  (SPD) of the RK. 2001-02 was deputy director of State Budget Department (SBD) under the Ministry of Finance of the RK. From 2002 has been director of the Regional Policy and Inter-budget Relations Department.

Palymbetov, Bolat Abylkasymovich – Born 1961. Graduated Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, the Eurasian Market Institute, specialized as an economist, and is a candidate of economic sciences. From February 2002 worked as akim of Mangistau oblast. Before was Vice-Minister of Economy and Trade of the RK, general director of KazTransOil CJSC, first deputy to the general director of NC Transport Neft i Gaza. In 1999 worked as deputy akim of Atyrau oblast. In 1998 was deputy chairman of the board of directors of Halyk Bank (HSBK) OJSC.

Bulat Akchulakov and Barlyk Orazbaev were appointed vice-ministers at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the RK.

Akchulakov, Bulat – Born 1971. Before his appointment worked as executive director of NC KazMunayGas JSC.
Orazbaev, Barlyk – Born 1948. Held the position of Vice-Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2002.

Lavrinenko, Yuri– Was dismissed from the position of Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications.

Koshanov, Erlan – The other Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications is to head the Civil Aviation Committee (CAC).
Bekturov, Azat – Former vice-president of Air Astana, will now supervise the civil aviation industry in the position of Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications.

Umbetaliev, Madi – Was appointed as new Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection during a shakeup at that ministry. He is a graduate of “Bolashak” program, and worked as advisor to the chairman of the board of directors of the Center of Marketing and Analytical Research JSC (MARC). Batyrzhan Ashitov was dismissed from his position of vice-minister.

Ardak Amangeldiev and Aikan Akanov were appointed as new Vice-Ministers of Health Care. Anatoly Belonog and Saule Dikanbaeva held those positions before.

Belonog, Anatoly – Was appointed chairman of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection Committee (SSEIC) under the Ministry of Healthcare of the RK, and as Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the RK.

Baiserkin, Baurzhan - Was earlier Chairman of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection Committee (SSEIC) under the Ministry of Health Care of the RK.

Utemisov, Shafkhat – Has been appointed deputy akim of West-Kazakhstan oblast. Born 1963. Graduated Uralsk Pedagogical institute, and the Academy of State Service under President of the RK. 1999-2000 worked as director of the Regional Department on Youth Issues, Tourism and Sport. 2000-01 was chairman of a regional TV and radio channel. February 2001 to May 2002 was deputy akim of West-Kazakhstan oblast. Form May 2002 has headed the Akzhaik district administration.

Arman Evniev and Saktash Khasenov were dismissed from the positions of Vice-Ministers of Agriculture. Dulat Aitzhanov and Liliya Musina remained Vice-Ministers of Agriculture.

Gennady Gamarnik and Maira Aisina were dismissed from the positions of Vice-Ministers of Education and Science. Khafiza Uteulina and Azamat Abdymomunov remain Vice-Ministers of Education and Science.

Erzhan Babakumarov was appointed as a new Vice-Minister of Culture, Information and Sport. Ardak Doszhan remains as Vice-Minister of Culture, Information and Sport. Ermek Amanshaev and Erlan Baizhanov were dismissed from the positions of Vice-Ministers of Culture, Information and Sport.

Daukeev, Serikbek – Was elected as chairman of Board of Directors of Kazneftekhim JSC.

Bekenov, Serik – Has been appointed general director of Kazneftekhim JSC.

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