понедельник, 07 октября 2024
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Подведены итоги рекламно-медийной конференции AdTribune-2022 Қаңтар оқиғасында қаза тапқан 4 жасар қызға арналған мурал пайда болды В Казахстане планируется ввести принудительный труд в качестве наказания за административные правонарушения Референдум - проверка общества на гражданскую зрелость - Токаев Екінші Республиканың негізін қалаймыз – Тоқаев Генпрокуратура обратилась к казахстанцам в преддверие референдума Бәрпібаевтың жеке ұшағына қатысты тексеріс басталды Маңғыстауда әкім орынбасары екінші рет қызметінен шеттетілді Тенге остается во власти эмоций Ресей өкілі Ердоғанның әскери операциясына қарсы екенін айтты Обновление парка сельхозтехники обсудили фермеры и машиностроители Казахстана Цены на сахар за год выросли на 61% Научно-производственный комплекс «Фитохимия» вернут в госсобственность Сколько налогов уплачено в бюджет с начала года? Новым гендиректором «Казахавтодора» стал экс-председатель комитета транспорта МИИР РК Американский генерал заявил об угрозе для США со стороны России Меркель впервые публично осудила Россию и поддержала Украину Байден призвал ужесточить контроль за оборотом оружия в США Супругу Мамая задержали после вывешивания баннера в поддержку политика в Алматы Казахстан и Южная Корея обсудили стратегическое партнерство Персональный охранник за 850 тыс тенге: Депутат прокомментировал скандальное объявление Россия и ОПЕК решили увеличить план добычи нефти Рау: Алдағы референдум – саяси ерік-жігердің айрықша белгісі Нью-Делиде Абай мүсіні орнатылды «Свобода 55»: иммерсивный аудиоспектакль про выбор, свободу и январские события

I am interested in the authority of wealth

He travels the world with the passport of a citizen of Israel.  He is a significant businessman in the country, a personal treasurer of the President, an aluminium tycoon.  He is one of the co-owners of the conglomerate of plants, companies, and banks.  His biography, as well his business history, can be found on the Internet at one mouse click. He is perfectly aware of the advantages of a successful PR.  As an astute person, he makes use of his charisma to its utmost.  In the same way he uses his Jewish origin to draw maximum attention to his personality.  So, what is his name?

Sofia Balakina

Among Kazakh political and business elite Alexander Mashkevich stands out, the attitude of his colleagues and society in general is dubious.  The reasons for such an image are in the nature of his work and abundance of controversial information in the media. There is a curious article published on site http://berkovich-zametki.com, titled Alexander Mashkevich, Kazakh tycoon.
Dozens of mass media sources cite the following: “Through the enterprises in his ownership Mashkevich today controls a quarter of the economy of Kazakhstan. Mashkevich’s assets exceed a billion of dollars; he is the Head of the Eurasian Group, one of the biggest financial and industrial holding companies of Kazakhstan, which has its shares in metallurgical, coal, mining and bank industries.
The sites
http://www.medialaw.kz, http://www.medianet.kz and http://www.narodru.ru  have published an article of an anonymous author, titled “Who belongs to whom?”  They refer to the source  http://www.eurasianhome.org. In it they thoroughly discuss the group run by Mashkevich together with Alijan Ibragimov and Potokh Shodiev. They inform about the history of its creation in 1995 and the origin of the existing financial, media and political assets. According to the article, the major assets are enterprises Kazkhrom, Aluminium Kazakhstan, Aksus Ferroalloy Plant, Eurasian Power Corporation, JSC Forrekhrom, Pavlodar Aluminium Plant, Turgai Bauxite enterprise, Krasnooktyabrsk Bauxite enterprise, Keregetas Mine, Palvodar Power-heat Station – 1, Vostochnyi coal Mine, Aksus Hydropower Station, Shubarkul Coal Mine, Sokolovsko- Sorbai Mining Company, Aircraft Repair Company 405.  The voice of Mashkevich’s interests in mass media is “Express-K” newspaper. He is believed to have close relationship with the Kazakh government and Administration of the President. Maksut Narikbaev, Sarybai Kalmurzaev and Marat Tazhin are close to the group.
The site
http://www.ng.ru insists on connection of Mashkevich with Akhmetov, the former Head of the government.  Saken Salimov, the author of the article said, “When Akhmetov was the akim of Pavlodar oblast, the enterprises of the Eurasian Industrial Association were basically allowed to conduct any activity they wished.  The source http://www.km.ru   states that Akhmetov was Mashkevich’s protégé.  There is evidence that regular attempts to sack him did not work because of Mashkevich’s patronage.  The site http://www.apn.kz  in the article “Kairat Satypaldy, the Path of a Warrior”, tells about friendship of Euro-Asian Group with the nephew of the President.
The site
http://arabeski.globalrus.ru has published an article by Andrei Grozin, named “Who’s who in modern Kazakhstan”.  The analyst draws attention to the fact that, unlike with other clans of Kazakhstan, the interests of the group are represented by a social political organization  –  Eurasian Industrial Association. According to Grozin, the group is the third power, whose patronage and support determine the outcome of conflicts between other clans and groups.  The “trio” is always on top of inter-clan clashes, it often swaps allies and enemies.
The following three sites
http://maof.rjews.net, http://www.novosti.co.il and http://zhurnal.lib.ru have published an article by Alexander Kogan. The article “A conflict - free leader” is based on the interview conducted with Mr. Mashkevich in 2002. At present, mass media still resort to the epithets used in this article, such as Aluminium king, banker of the President Nazarbayev, one of the first oligarchs- milliners.  In this interview Mashkevich admits that business always attracted him, including the time of his teaching psychology at the Kyrgyz University. At that moment he was the youngest associate professor in his field in the Soviet Union.

Mashkevich still enjoys popularity and numerous ratings are evidence of that. These ratings usually grade the amount of wealth owned and influential ability of the person.  The source http://www.nomad.su has published a political review of the year.  The article “The second after the king” comments on the position of Mr. Mashkevich among the most influential people of the country. According to this information, in spite of the existing prerequisites, the popularity rating of Mr. Mashkevich has not been affected during the past year.  Mr. Mashkevich has been deeply involved in the political life of Kazakhstan; in the past year he took part in the work of Metallurgical Holding Company, liquidation of the Civil Party, he was deeply involved in work of the Eurasian Congress.
Five years ago in his article “A conflict -free leader” Kogan commented on the fact that Mr. Mashkevich was the only non- Kazakh in the elite circles.  In his response to this Mr. Mashkevich said, “These ratings cannot be taken seriously. They are compiled by those who pursue their own interests and they are not always trustworthy. There are a number of Kazakh businessmen who do not have any support, but they aim to the top.  I arrived in Kazakhstan in 1994, by that time I had already made good money.  Making money in Moscow, I invested it in the Kazakh economy. “
 Regarding his political involvement, the tycoon has refused it completely, “I do not like politics, and my domain is business and charity.”  This quotation can be found in the article by Anatoli Rogozhin, published on the famous Russian site
http://utro.ru. According to mass media, Mr. Mashkevich takes advantage of his position in the society, while running the Eurasian Congress, a mighty international organization uniting Jewish people of 3 continents.

 In his interview to Valeri Weinberg in the paper “A new Russian word” he admits, ”Everything I do is for the benefit of the Jewish, this is the call of my heart”. The electronic version of this paper is on site http://www.nrs.com.  The article from 3 years ago “Alexander Mashkevich - the main Jew of Kazakhstan” speaks about priorities in work of the Eurasian Congress, it includes some fascinating details.  So, the businessman said, “For each Jewish person, Israel is a sacred homeland. I will do everything possible for Israel to thrive. We support a long- term project, maintaining the Defence Army of Israel.  I invest my own money into this program; I help soldiers’ mothers fly to see their sons…   Last year we sent around 100 tons of various goods to Adzharia, Georgia and Argentina. We do this every year.“
 Other media inform about Mashkevich’s construction of several synagogues in the CIS, including one in Bishkek and in Dushanbe. The site 
http://www.religare.ru has the following note in its archives, “ The President of Tajikistan, Mr. Rakhmonov, made a personal promise to Mr. Mashkevich to give him ”the most convenient” land downtown for the construction of a synagogue.  The site http://www.sem40.ru quotes Mashkevich’s words in Bishkek, “This is my gift to my countrymen from various parts of the post Soviet Union. They made a unique Jewish society in the heart of Central Asia.”  He sponsored the construction of the biggest synagogue in Central Asia, it was erected in Astana.  Just like the rest, this was named after the name of the businessman’s mother, Beit- Rakhel. 
 The Congress official site (
http://www.eajc.org) has published an interview with Mashkevich, titled “One billion more, one billion less, Alexander Mashkevich, a linguist, banker and the president”, in which Mr. Mashkevich speaks about his path to faith. “My life led me to faith; I feel a necessity to pray every day and to live in compliance with Torah laws. I have not mastered reading in Hebrew yet, however I own a number of Hebrew textbooks. My new life with faith started about 6-7 years ago, I enjoy its benefits every day.“ 
 However, not everybody considers his wish to take a leading position within the international Jewish community as a sincere faith decision.  Thus the site
http://zakon.kz reads, “Some critics state that such a role would insure his position against precarious political weather of Kazakhstan”.  The same article published Mashkevich’s response to this argument. “Mr. Mashkevich has doubts in the benefits of his role as a Jewish leader due to a possible anti-Semitism reaction in some circles.  He said, “I believe, I take considerable risks by being involved in the Jewish charity.”  Regardless of his true incentives, even his critics agree with the fact that he gave something very important to the Jews of Kazakhstan, something they have not enjoyed before – prestige and respect.
 Mashkevich’s efficient actions as the Head of the Eurasian Congress is revered and was praised a number of times.  He was awarded by the Rabbis of Europe, as
http://www.lenta.ru informs.  He was also given the Order of Saint Sergei Radonezhski of the II order, granted by the Russian Orthodox Church (http://www.kz-today.kz, http://www.rusidea.org). Nevertheless, Mr. Mashkevich is not highly regarded by the Internet communities.  Here is one of the comments from the forum http://www.geo.kz published as response to one of the articles about the businessman: “Mashkevich and the likewise are not patriots. They are crooks.  If they were patriots, they would do everything possible for Kazakhstan.”  Other comments on http://www.zakon.kz:  “Looks like the main Jew of Kazakhstan uses not his wealth but the country’s wealth to fulfil his construction projects.  This wealth by right belongs to the people of Kazakhstan. I don’t know how he obtained the ownership for the whole metallurgical complex of the country. At the same time the history with the corruption teaches us a good lesson.  All the inhabitants of Almaty are still paying for it.”, “He said, “All I do is for the Jews.”  At least, he is honest.  He stole half of Kazakhstan for the benefit of Jews and he does not hide it! Bravo!  Has he sponsored at least one orphanage in Kazakhstan?  “I will do everything possible for Israel to thrive…”
 At the same time, it would be unfair to say that the tycoon is unpopular with everybody on the forums.  Here is a comment of one of the participants on
http://www.geo.kz, “He was clever enough to make his money.  Anybody has this chance.”  Another comment goes, “Today Mashkevich spends his money according to his wish, as any other person.  He made the metallurgical complex work again! What means he used to do it is another question.  We now have new employments and new tax revenue in Kazakhstan.”
 Mashkevich’s relationship with Nursultan Nazarbaev is worth mentioning too.  Mashkevich arrived in Kazakhstan 10 years ago and instantly, according to Grozin’s article at
http://arabeski.globalrus.ru ,   has entered a circle of oligarchs and high officials.  He became close to Nazarbaev and his family.  He is sometimes referred to as the President’s treasure keeper.   More than once Mashkevich offered to nominate Nursultan Nazarbaev for the Nobel Prize.  In 2002 he talked Nazarbaev into leading the Jewish- Muslim dialogue and thus, made Kazakhstan the centre of this dialogue.  In spite of the primitive nature of these approaches, he was able to influence the President.”
 Some call the duet of Nazarbaev and Mashkevich “Comrades in arms”.  At the same time, Akezhan Kazhegeldin in his article “the End of the governed democracy” in the Republic newspaper (
http://www.kub.kz) states, “One should not exaggerate the influence of Mr. Mashkevich or any other oligarch over Mr. Nazarbaev.  The President is not a puppet.  He uses investors at his own will, taking part in their businesses like a clandestine partner and creating a protection for them.  The authority of Nazarbaev over such investors originates from the doubtful nature of their assets: no competition, no published statistics, black balances…” Another opponent made a harsh comment regarding Mashkevich’s role, “it is like in the German expression “Maedchen fur alles” (A girl for different services).  Naturally, it is convenient to have such a maid, who on the top of all, pays all master’s bills, covers expenses for a new political party or sponsors holidays, etc.”
  The site
http://www.iicas.org adds: “In this trio made up by Alijan Ibragimov, Israeli Mashkevich and the citizen of Belgium Patokh Shadiev “protection” is a key element. Only thanks to the personal support of Nazarbaev, Eurasian Group continues its activity.  Only thanks to the President’s assistance the Group has access to the natural resources and enjoys export preferences”. The author explains why Nazarbaev adheres to this “trio”, “It is easier to deal with foreigners. They have no roots here, no family history or support. They rely completely on the assistance of their patron.”
 The article “The gold of the developing market” on the site
http://www.caravan.kz tells about Mashkevich and his colleagues Patokh Shodiev and Alijan Ibrahimov.  The businessmen reject their political lobbying.  At the same time, they confirm their regular sessions with Mr. Nazarbaev, as a part of the Council of Foreign Investors.  Mashkevich said, “You don’t know Nazarbaev. He is very hard to approach.”  The same article refers to the words of Alexander Ignatov, whose company provides consulting in the republics of the former Soviet Union.
 These controversial comments have accompanied the tycoon in both local and international mass media.  New conflicts arising from time to time make the passions rage high again and again. This project does not aim at revising all these conflicts.
 The tycoon’s open smile helps him to gain his popularity. The site
http://berkovich-zametki.com  characterizes Mr. Mashkevich in the following: “He is tanned and good-looking.  He is open for conversations at Jewish events. His English is fluent and he does elite sports.”  Just like many other wealthy people of the former Soviet Union he prefers that his family lives abroad. His younger daughter Anna is 22, she is a designer. His older daughter Alla is an economist. Both of them had their degrees in Great Britain and now live in London. His wife, Larissa Mashkevich, is a musician and a composer.  She has recently issued her own CD, and devoted it to their one year anniversary, according to the information from the site http://www.eajc.org.  His family prefers to spend their winter vacations in the French Alps or in the resort Kurshavel, according to the sites http://www.caravan.kz and http://www.izvestia.ru.
 The site
http://posit.kz describes sports preferences of the tycoon, “Alexander Mashkevich is the Head of the Federation of Horseback Riders of Kazakhstan.  Thanks to his leadership, Kazakh horseback riders regularly take part in international competitions; they also conduct them in Almaty.  No Olympic awards were gained so far, but the Federation is relatively young. It is only 15 years old.” One can find additional information on the site http://horsesport.info
 According to his own words, Mashkevich has not fully realized the fact of his wealth.  “It is just a beginning. I feel like a writer dreaming of creating a best- seller. As a businessperson I am promoting a number of projects that will enable me to enter the first circles of the world business elite. I am not interested in any political positions. I am interested in the authority of wealth.”
 Despite experts’ opinion about the loss of Mashkevich’s power with the government as well as his colleagues, he keeps his problems to himself.  According to the astute comment made by the authors of the site
http://www.grandcapital.ru, “Mashkevich’s biography is an embodiment of one’s dream in the country of limitless opportunities…” To the question about the size of his wealth he responds with a puzzling smile, “One billion more, one less … why is it important?” He owns property all over the world. Where? “Everywhere.”- said Mashkevich in the same deviated manner, which is typical for his speaking when interviewed on political or other issues.
Brief biography:
Alexander Antonovich Mashkevich
Born on the 23 February 1954 in Frunze (Bishkek), Kyrgyzstan. He graduated from the Kyrgyz State University, Associate professor in Education. Mr. Mashkevich was the Head of the Kyrgyz Teachers Training University.  He started his business activity in the years of Perestroika.  At present, he is the President of Eurasian Industrial Association (Kazakhstan) and one of the directors of Kazakhstan Mineral Resources.  He has sponsored the construction of a number of synagogues in Pavlodar (named after his mother) and Almaty (Kazakhstan). He has started construction of 5 other synagogues in various cities of the Republic. He has also partially sponsored the construction of an Orthodox church and a mosque in Pavlodar.

Alexander Antonovich Mashkevich

Born on the 23 February 1954 in Frunze (Bishkek), Kyrgyzstan. He graduated from the Kyrgyz State University, Associate professor in Education. Mr. Mashkevich was the Head of the Kyrgyz Teachers Training University.  He started his business activity in the years of Perestroika.  At present, he is the President of Eurasian Industrial Association (Kazakhstan) and one of the directors of Kazakhstan Mineral Resources.  He has sponsored the construction of a number of synagogues in Pavlodar (named after his mother) and Almaty (Kazakhstan). He has started construction of 5 other synagogues in various cities of the Republic. He has also partially sponsored the construction of an Orthodox church and a mosque in Pavlodar.
Annually Mr. Mashkevich purchases between 15 and 20 tons of matzo for further free distribution among the Jewish of Kazakhstan. He pays scholarships to 20 students from Kazakhstan, including to those of Jewish origin.
Mr. Mashkevich is the president of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan, a member of the executive committee of European Jews Congress, a member of the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress. Last year he was elected the president of the Eurasian Jewish Congress.

(The official Site of the Eurasian Congress http://www.eajc.org)

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