понедельник, 07 октября 2024
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Подведены итоги рекламно-медийной конференции AdTribune-2022 Қаңтар оқиғасында қаза тапқан 4 жасар қызға арналған мурал пайда болды В Казахстане планируется ввести принудительный труд в качестве наказания за административные правонарушения Референдум - проверка общества на гражданскую зрелость - Токаев Екінші Республиканың негізін қалаймыз – Тоқаев Генпрокуратура обратилась к казахстанцам в преддверие референдума Бәрпібаевтың жеке ұшағына қатысты тексеріс басталды Маңғыстауда әкім орынбасары екінші рет қызметінен шеттетілді Тенге остается во власти эмоций Ресей өкілі Ердоғанның әскери операциясына қарсы екенін айтты Обновление парка сельхозтехники обсудили фермеры и машиностроители Казахстана Цены на сахар за год выросли на 61% Научно-производственный комплекс «Фитохимия» вернут в госсобственность Сколько налогов уплачено в бюджет с начала года? Новым гендиректором «Казахавтодора» стал экс-председатель комитета транспорта МИИР РК Американский генерал заявил об угрозе для США со стороны России Меркель впервые публично осудила Россию и поддержала Украину Байден призвал ужесточить контроль за оборотом оружия в США Супругу Мамая задержали после вывешивания баннера в поддержку политика в Алматы Казахстан и Южная Корея обсудили стратегическое партнерство Персональный охранник за 850 тыс тенге: Депутат прокомментировал скандальное объявление Россия и ОПЕК решили увеличить план добычи нефти Рау: Алдағы референдум – саяси ерік-жігердің айрықша белгісі Нью-Делиде Абай мүсіні орнатылды «Свобода 55»: иммерсивный аудиоспектакль про выбор, свободу и январские события

Heavyweights Have Rest

The first quarter of 2008 turned to be very rich in multitudinous rearrangements, rotations and reorganizations. The essence is that their majority is a regular attempt to increase the state machine operating efficiency in whole. As it is known besides the traditional lines of the executive power and “the state and private partnership” on the big business management, a huge system of state holding companies and socio-entrepreneurial corporations (SEC) has arisen in the last two years in Kazakhstan. All this together with the reforms that are hold by administration, the process of calibration (and search of essence) of which happens literally every day, has already responded on the social and economic situation in the country. At that it’s not in its best way. The slogans “the transparency improvement”, “the effectiveness improvement” and “the implementation of the corporative management principals” that were declared from the very beginning, resulted in quite a complex and contradictory system (if we may put it this way), which has provoked in the result a regular turn of rearrangements in the supreme authorities. In mid January the Head of state appointed Kayrat Kelimbetov as Chief Administrative Officer; before he was the Head of Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning, and «Кazyna» Sustainable Development Fund (SDF). Adylbeck Dzhaksybekov, who earlier headed the Administration of the President of RK since December 2004, became the first Vice-chairman of  “Nur Otan” Party.
The former first Vice-chairman (that is, the factual acting Party head) Bahytzhan Zhumagulov has at once lost the post of Leader of faction «Nur Otan» in Mazhilis as well, having been left only as a Vice-speaker. The faction was headed by Ural Mukhamedzhanov, who was the Chairman of Mazhilis of third convocation in 2004-2007.

Arman Dunayev, ex-minister of Finance and Chairman of the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations (AFN) has received one of the most important posts in modern economic construction of Kazakhstan – the post of Chairman of Board of “Kazyna” SDF. Yelena Bakhmutova now heads the financial supervision, and Alina Aldamergen and Kuat Kozhahmetov have been appointed to the position of Vice-chairpersons some time later. Alina Aldamergen was Deputy Chairman of Agency for Activity Regulation of Almaty RFC (Regional Financial Center) till last year, and Kuat Kozhahmetov was at the head of Tsesnabank and “Tsesna” Corporation (controlled by А. Dzhaksybekov).
Mazhit Esenbayev, the former akim of Akmola region, has headed Agency on Competition Protection on the basis of profile Committee of Ministry of Industry and Trade, which was created in autumn.
Albert Rau, who had been the akim of Lisakovsk, Deputy akim of Kostanai region, and since January of the last year – Chairman of Board of “Saryarka” SEC, now heads Akmola region.
Meanwhile it may be noted that the new appointment of Esembayev was surprise for him too. Since the beginning of January, being the akim, he undertook big rotations in Akmola region management. In particular, he changed one of Deputies, Manager of his staff, Chiefs of a number of departments and administrations. In the result, Talgat Bultenov has worked only three weeks on the post of Manager of the akim’s staff and has returned to his former post of Director of Financial Department.
“Saryarka” SEC was headed unexpectedly by Vadim Zverkov, who worked before at post of Vice-minister of Transport and Communications, Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to Israel. It may be noted as well that just in January he was appointed to post of Ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus, but he scarcely managed to proceed to the post. Zverkov’s appointment may be explained by the fact that while he was Prime Minister of Transport, this department was headed by Karim Masimov, and it seems he nominated his former colleague.
The vacant since November post of Chairman of Agency on Land Resources Management was occupied by Umarzak Uzbekov, the former akim of Almaty and Taldykorgan regions, and Head of Embassies of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
The post of Chairman of Committee on Judicial Administration under the Supreme Court which was not occupied for a long-time has given to Vice-chairman of the same department Irak Elekeyev, the former Parliament deputy.
And at that, the main personnel decision since political season of 2008 undoubtedly was the appointment of Kairat Kelimbetov to one of the most key posts in the country. The new Chief Administrative Officer of the President, though not having enough political experience, managed to show his worth as a strict administrator who can form up loyal hierarchy schemes for himself. It was clearly become apparent during establishment of “Kazyna” Fund, which has comparatively painlessly “rumpled” all institutes of development with their huge budget. (Little exclusion is Zeynulla Kakimzhanov, who managed in 2006 uphold the post of Manager of Investment Fund and majority of his team but, finally being retired in January of this year). Besides Kelimbetov played a comparatively noticeable role in the election campaign of 2007, being Vice-chairman of «Nur-Otan» Party for economic matters.
 The primary task of Kairat Kelimbetov at the new post was the new structure development of Administration of the President, which judging by the final results, had to solve a number of tasks. Firstly, the provision of painless inclusion of new Chief Administrative Officer and his team in the decision-making process. Secondly, defined decentralization of functions, i.e. establishment of necessary «layer» between Kelimbetov and those structures, for management of which he has no enough experience. Thirdly, development of relations with another state institutes (first of all with the Government) for the work without conflict until the new team become stronger. And the main thing is the creation of policy of checks and balances within Administration.
It is possible to note that the process of reshuffle in the environment of State Head has started already before Kelimbetov’s advent to the post. Particularly, Gabidulla Abdrahimov again has headed Civil Service Agency, and Erzhan Kazykhanov became Assistant to the President for foreign policy, replacing Nurlan Onzhanov. Before approval of the new structure of Administration of the President (AP), Gulshara Abdykalikova, the former executive secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of population, was appointed Adviser to the President and Chief of National Commission on Family and Gender policy. Zhumaty Aliyev was dismissed from the post of Vice-chairman of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK) and manager of its Secretariat, and Eraly Tugzhanov, who led Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, was appointed to this post.
After approval of the new structure of AP, Onalsyn Zhumabekov, who had been at the post of Deputy Chief Administrative Officer on state and legal policy, became the Chairman of Supreme Judicial Council (before this post was headed by Igor Rogov, Chairman of Constitutional Council on a voluntary basis).
Another Deputy Chairman, Vladimir Shkolnik, who was in charge of the economic policy in AP, was appointed to the post of Minister of Industry and Trade by replacing Galym Orazbakov, who recently supported few “innovations” in the economic policy, which were accepted in the society in different ways.
Maulen Ashimbayev and Darkhan Kaletayev had kept their posts, being as they were before the curators of domestic and regional policies correspondingly.
The secretary of Security Council Berik Imashev has become at the same time Assistant to the President and Curator of “force” block of AP. Ex-chairman of CNS (Committee for National Security) of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nartai Dutbayev was appointed Advisor to Head of state.
Aset Isekeshov, who worked with Kelimbetov in “Kazyna” SDF, who replaced Serik Burkitbayev, was appointed to the post of Assistant to the President for economic issues. Serik Burkitbayev has headed (as it was expected) “Samgau” National scientific and technological Holding Company. It might be supposed that Isekeshev actually will perform the role of the curator of Administration’s economic block. The mentioned block includes the newly established department of socio-economic monitoring and Center of strategic developments and analysis.
Kuandyk Bishimbayev of twenty seven years old, who had worked at the post of Vice-minister of Industry and Trade has headed Department of socio-economic monitoring. Dzhanibeck Iskakov (before – the President of Center of Trade Policy Development), Ardak Amangeldiyev (Vice-minister of Healthcare and Managing Director of “Kazyna” SDF) and Aidyn Kulseitov (Director of Industrial policies department of MIT) became his Deputies.
Maksat Mukanov, who worked in 2003-2005 and in 2006 as the Manager of Department of Socio-economic Analysis of AP and thereafter Managing Director and Corporative Secretary of “Kazyna” Fund, was appointed to the post of Head of Center for Strategic Development and Analysis. Madina Abdylkasymova (Officer of Prime-minister’s Staff), Abay Iskandirov (Managing director of “Kazyna” SDF) and Askar Shomanov (who had headed Information Analysis Center of AP abrogated under the new structure) became his Deputies.
The Adviser to the President, ex-Prime-minister Nurlan Balgimbayev became a special representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Caspian Sea Resources usage matters thus partially closed at him the solution of political issues in this sphere.
The Department of documentation support of AP was headed by the former Chief of General Department Mirbolat Zhakupov, Domestic Policy Department - by the political scientist Erlan Karin, the newly established State and Legal Department - by Talgat Donakov, (ex-manager of Legislation and Legal expertise Department), State Control and Personnel Organizational Work Department – by Serikzhan Kanayev (was the Manager of State Control and Organizational Work Department).
Seitzhan Shalabayev, who worked as the first Deputy Director of «Barlau» Foreign Intelligence Service before and Chief of CNS Analysis and Strategic Planning Department, headed the new Department of the law enforcement system.
The Head of Presidential office Makhmud Kasymbekov, Chief of the Presidential representation in parliament Bahytzhan Abdraimov, the President’s press-secretary Erlan Bayzhanov, Chief of Protocol Bauyrzhan Baybek, Chief of the Security Council Secretariat Nurlan Abdirov and Head of the Center for Foreign Policy Magzhan Ilyasov have kept their posts.
The majority of officials who have left their posts of leaders of Administration’s structural divisions have got the new appointments right away. So, Chief of the Personnel Policy Department Ersultan Bekturganov became the Deputy Chief of AP Chancellery Department,  the Head of Socio-political Department Ardak Doszhan became Chairman of Religious Affairs Commettee of Ministry of Justice, Chief of the Situational Center of Security Council Almaz Eshanov became the Chief of Security Council Secretariat, Chairman of the Department on Protection of State Secrets and Informatization Muratkhan Zhuat – Deputy Chief of Documentation Support Department, Chief of Socio-economic Analysis Department Edil Mamytbekov  - Vice-minister of Industry and Trade, the Head of Financial and Accounting Department Kadyrbai Nurpeisov – the Head of President’s chancellor sector.
Thus we can note that as of today Kelimbetov has performed his tasks. Who came from “Kazyna” generally have concentrated in the economic block, which is the most understandable and close to the new Chief of Administration. It will allow to the new team, firstly, to keep control over the development institutes, secondly, to enhance the control over the policy of Government (which was mostly weaken recently), and thirdly, to begin the training for the expansion into the other spheres of state control. Together with this, it is obvious that at any differences between the Chief of Administration and the Prime-minister, they both embody the same course for the construction of the state on «corporative management» principles.
At that until now no one official is able to explain in simple language the «methodological» difference between such notions as «corporative leader» and «break through project». Implementation of institute for responsible secretaries and started reconstruction of the territorial ministry bodies on the interregional principle, not saying about the differentiation of duties between different verticals and the levels of powers, did not demonstrate until today its effectiveness, at least the potential one. State holdings and socio-entrepreneurial corporations activity control system has not been formed yet; though the volume of raw-materials, financial resources and infrastructure, which are at their full jurisdiction, already when it was formed  demanded the highest level of transparency. We should not forget that social, tariff and anti-inflation policy of Government together with the financial supervision has long before set all achievements in socio-economic sphere of Kazakhstan within the independence epoch at stake.  We can only hope that the new team will demonstrate, at least, the readiness to take upon itself the responsibility for the economic policy updating.
In the other divisions of Administration (excluding the Regional block) the counterbalances between the old and new appointers have been formed within the few days. So, Dutbayev and Imashev will deal with the matters of force offices management at the presence of Zhumabekov as a curator of judiciary system.
The Chief of Presidential chancellor Kasymbekov has more strengthened his position, the divisions, which once got their autonomy, were returned again. The foreign policy block as it was before represents a conglomerate of Foreign Ministry members and “bolashakovtsev”. Practically the influence of State Secretary Saudabayev in the formation of Administration was at such minimum that was not felt at all, though many people may envy his office activity.
Together with this the balance, which has been in the very close environment of the President that let the main figures to restrain each other and fight with the general outside threats, is violated. The heavyweights have taken the waiting position by giving place to the young players and waiting at least any progresses in the economic situation.
It seems that elite of the country (in the face of their separate representatives) has begun to prepare for 2012. However we have to live more 5 years for it, but it looks like nobody in the country actually knows how to do it.

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