воскресенье, 06 октября 2024
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Elections in USA:

Rasul Jumaly

Marathon in USA named presidential elections is coming to its final end. To tell the truth archaic and cumbersome procedure passed. It has to be underlined that this procedure costs a lot of money, lasts around two years and even does not guarantee triumph of sovereignty of the people in the country with exemplary democracy, which sometimes fails. In the American history there are few examples when presidential candidate won popular votes but lost the elections. This happens because votes are not accounted in accordance with popular votes but rather they are counted through the system of “electors” represented by the States. If we remember there were many problems with the president leaving an office these days. Few months were demanded in order to find out who actually won – George Bush Junior or his opponent from Democratic Party Albert Gore.  
Traditionally there are only two leading parties fighting for the main office in the country – republican and democratic, others do not have to be taken into consideration. 
This time democrats nominated senator from Illinois, African – American Barack Obama as their candidate. He is charismatic, well educated young man; moreover he is a good orator. Republicans in turn nominated senator from Arizona, hero of Vietnam War – John McCain. He is the typical representatives of the “old guards” in direct and figurative manner. He is the “hawk” thinking with the standards of the “Cold War”.  
It is well understood that results of this presidential race in US will not only affect the superpower itself but all other parts of the world as well. That is why it is not surprising that this intrigue grabs an attention of almost every country; politicians and analytics argue who will become next leader of the powerful empire, and they make their forecasts. However, we should ask whether there is any meaning for that, in general what will these elections bring new?  

McCain – second Bush but angry
As we know present head of the White House served both of his terms. Even though if his victory in 2000 was natural then his re-election in 2004 is hard to explain. During pre-election stormy battles everybody found out about scandalous incompetence of George Bush as the president. Overall results of his ruling are quite sad, it should be enough to note that Bush Junior turned out to be first president after Hoover (since times of Great Depression) to leave the country with less working places than there were at the beginning of his term (less for almost 1.5 mln.). If Bush inherited well derived healthy budget from Clinton then budget of 2004 had a deficit of 415 billions dollars; while George Bush’s presidency federal debt of US increased by 2.1 trillion dollars.
There are even more depressing results in the spheres of external politics. Bush’s same party member, ex-councilor of Reagan president Bruce Bartlett is sure that main reason for George Bush’s popularity in the beginning of his career is due to that he is first fundamentalist in the White House. That is why Bartlett believes that there are not any doubts that Bush and fundamentalists are talking on one ideological language: “he is the same as they are”. Reckless schemes in Iraq and Afghanistan were just apotheosis with Bush’s administration incompetence. US fall in international image and authority cannot be even calculated. 
Results are natural: George Bush is the most unpopular president in the American history. Today his ratings are only at 29%, plus 84% of Americans consider that country is moving in the wrong direction (compared to 57% in 2004). According to the survey if Bush would have been running for the presidency today he would lose to any candidate from democrats.
If this is all so bad, then why present candidate John McCain is building his election campaign in accordance with “George Bush’s formula”.
For example in the sphere of international politic McCain is copying Bush, believing that victory in Iraq is quite possible and stating that US military would stay there as much as needed, otherwise this will lead to strengthening of Iran and Al Qaeda in the region. According to his statements American troops would stay there even 100 years if required. In analogous with current same party president, McCain is against any negotiations with leaders of US enemy countries such as Cuba, Iran and North Korea. 
Moreover, in his speeches McCain is even angrier than his predecessor. American politician Pet Buchanan underlines that in the matters of external politics even such strict neo conservator as Dick Cheney compared to McCain looks like Mahatma Gandhi. Only one of his initiatives was to establish an alternative UN from friends of US, countries sharing similar fears only because it is impossible to place strict sanctions against Teheran due to positions of Russia and China.  
Economical platform of the most aged candidate for US president is almost fully based on Bush’s platform. Almost analogues pictures are given in the sphere of social problems, migration and methods on the fight against terrorism. 
Moreover, for the last 8 years of George Bush’s ruling senator from Arizona has voted for the similar laws as the president in the 90% cases and in 2008 their positions fully coincide.  
This is basically the main idea of the democrats election campaign – ideologically relate McCain and Bush, but this is definitely not enough for the victory. The problem is that regular American citizens while voting for the president do not pay much attention on candidates’ political and economical programs, but they consider their overall characteristics. From this point of view, John McCain is seen as hero of Vietnam War, spending five year in Vietcong captivity. He is one of the most experienced senators working in various Senate committees for 20 years. Moreover, it is important that while working in the Senate he built up a reputation of independent politician.  
It is the big wonder whether such young gifted politician as Barack Obama was able to assure voters that even without an experience and heroic past such as of McCain he could fulfill promises given to fellow countrymen.   

Barack Obama – dark horse 
For more than 200 years history presidential seat was never held either by so-called “colored” or by women. If Barack Obama (or his opponent Hillary Clinton that lost the race) would achieve their final goal this would be largest surprise of American election campaign. However, high popularity of the both candidates from democrats grabs focus of our attention; this is definitely not only due to their personal characters. This is all due to apathy in American society, which turned out into indifference who to vote for as long as lost powers will be restored and economically – financial crisis would be solved, they are ready to vote even for Afro – American and for feminist.
Hollywood star George Clooney considers that “such president as Obama could completely change the image of US in the eyes of the Third world – he has good relations with his Kenyan relatives, and he cannot be blamed of feelings of his superiority peculiar to many Americans”.               
Should we expect any serious changes in US Administration politics if Barack Obama will be elected? While pre-election debates candidates for the main office discussed many issues and this where the problem stands. These debates did not reveal any differences in approach to international matters; either it is military campaign in Afghanistan and Iraq, fight with terrorism, relations with Russia, and US relations with post communistic countries, Europe, China and Muslim world. There were only main differences regarding ways to overcome financial crisis and some other internal issues.
Thus, both Obama and McCain hold strict and uncompromising positions regarding Russian – Caucasian conflict. Barack Obama defined Kremlin’s external political actions as “behavior of evil”, detecting “nationalistic impulse”. “I think that we could have good relations with them, with Russians, but they must understand that they clash with tough and determined States, which will protect our own interests and interests of other countries in the world” – was underlined by McCain. On the question whether Russia under Putin could be considered as “empire of evil” McCain did not give clear answer, however stated that “in his eyes Putin is KGB” and he knows how to pressure on Russia. 
Just like continuing opponent’s idea Obama said that decrease in energy resources demand would decrease volume of oil dollars “available for Russia to make an attack on the world”. According to Obama USA will help not only “young democratic” Georgia but also will aid to Ukraine as another candidate for NATO and help Baltic republics.
Similar approaches candidates have regarding main US allies in Middle East – Israel and to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
This way if Obama will win a four year ticket to occupy Oval office certain changes will be exclusively noticeable in internal politics and economy of the States. Starting from sexual minorities’ homebred rights, issues with abortion and ending with the solution for financial crisis. In the case if McCain will be elected there would not be any changes at all. 
However, there should not be any expectations in the change of international politics. Unfortunately this is how world powers are programmed. Neither Obama, nor McCain will bring anything new, they will only continue serving interests of military manufacturing complexes, businesses from Wall Street, industrial giants and oil corporations. This is the main reason why presidential election in USA are called “race of bulging purses”, well this is true not only about transoceanic empire. America is just doomed to aggressively protect their strategic interests, that is why they will behave the same way as before. To be more correct they will become even more brutal due to losing positions.

Barack Hussein Obama
US Senator from Illinois State, member of Democratic party Barack Hussein Obama Junior born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, capital of Hawaii State. Father Barack Hussein Obama Senior came to USA from Kenya to study economics. Mother is white American Stanley Ann Dunham studied anthropology.  
Barack’s parents got separated when he was 2 years old. Farther went to continue his studies in Harvard then moved back to Kenya. Ann Dunham married for student from Indonesia. In 1976 Obama moved to Indonesia, and in 1980 returned to Hawaii where he graduated from private school.  
After school he went to Western college of Los Angeles, from where he transferred to Columbian university, which he graduated in 1983. In 1991 graduated from Harvard University law school. Then he returned to Chicago and worked in law company for nine years specializing on protecting civil freedoms. Simultaneously he was teaching Constitutional right in University of Chicago.  
In 1996 Obama was elected to Senate of Illinois State as the representative of Democratic party. In 2000 he run for US Congress House of Representatives but lost in primaries. In 2004 nominated himself as the candidate for freed up seat in US Congress Senate and won 70% of votes. This way Barack Obama became fifth Afro-American senator in US history.    
In 2005 Times magazine listed Obama among one of the most influential person in the world, British magazine New Statement included him in top 10 people “able to change the world”. Barack Obama himself is the author of two books: 1995 he published memories “My father’s dreams”, and in 2006 “Bravery of the hope”. 
Since 1992 Obama is married on Michelle Robinson Obama, practicing lawyer. They have two daughters – Malia and Sasha. He is the member of United Christ Church which he joined as an adult.

John McCain
John Sidney McCain III born on August 29, 1936 on American military-navy base in Panama channel zone. In 1958 graduated from US Military-navy academy in Annapolis (State of Maryland) and served in aviation of military-navy. 
In 1967 during Vietnam War his airplane has been attacked and crashed in Hanoi, where he spent five and half years in captivity. When returned to USA he continued to serve in the military, in 1974 graduated from National military college in Washington, retired in 1981, he has several war decorations. 
Working a little with father-in-law “beer baron” James Hensley, republican McCain started his political career. In 1982 was elected into Arizona State House of Representatives, in 1986 to Senate. In 1996 participated in his friend’s presidential campaign – Bob Doul, two years after decided to nominate himself for presidency. In 2000 participated in republican primaries but lost to governor from Texas – George Bush Junior. On 2004 presidential election supported Bush.  
Being one of the leading American “hawks” during conflict in Kosovo criticized Bill Clinton’s administration for lack of determined actions, while Bush’s administration proposed for war in Iraq and for increase of US military contingent in this country. McCain is against free abortions, against limiting rights for guns’ ownership, supporter of death penalty and development of air defense. At the same time within his party McCain is having an arguable reputation: he often proposed initiatives going against general line of Republican Party. McCain is also known as the supporter of election legislation amendments in order to make this process more transparent, he sometimes conducts more democratic attempts, such as forbidding torturing in American prisons.    
Officially participating in presidential race since April 25, 2007 McCain became main opponent of ex New York mayor Rudolf Giuliani in party nomination; however McCain’s popularity in July was very low due to failure in donation collections but was able to recover before first pre-elections.   
In the end of January 2008 Giuliani decided to end the race and asked his supporters to support McCain. After another primaries round in March 4 McCain won the right to be nominated as presidential candidate from the party.    
John McCain was twice married. He has seven children: four sons and three daughters. His two sons are adopted children by his first wife, one of the daughters is adopted as well, she is black orphan from Bangladesh. Senator has four grandchildren.

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